Chapter 16
Julie turned and slowly approached
Mark’s cage. Mark’s gaze
was fixed on her as he could hear the rhythmic tapping of her heels on the hard
wood floor. He began to
feel nervous anxiety as she approached with her arms folded. As she got closer he could feel
himself backing away almost from instinct. She stopped directly in front of the
table and said nothing. Afraid
to look up at her expression, he kept his head bowed, fearing her next
move. His experience with
Kelly had left him feeling paranoid and self-conscious.
“You gonna make me keep you in there
all day?” she asked in a flat tone of voice.
The words “all day” echoed in his
head and made him look up at her Face. Her serious expression locked onto his
and he became frozen in place.
“You know, you don’t make this whole
thing any easier for me” she continued, glaring down, arms folded. Puzzled by his silence, she leaned
over slightly, as her eyes widened. “You just going to stand there?”
He struggled to form words but found
himself unable to say anything. His
experience with Kelly was still clouding his mind.
“Hello?” she said, tapping the cage
with her Fingers. “I’m
talking to you.”
Her Face was close enough to the cage
that he could smell her breath as she spoke. He could also detect a slight smell of
alcohol. To his
recollection, he had rarely seen Julie drink. But as he looked closer at her Eyes,
he noticed a slight glaze in them.
“Fine then! Have it your way”, she
snapped, turning to walk away.
“Wait! Julie, don’t go”, he finally blurted
Julie turned, staring down at him
with her hands on her hips.
“Yes?” she sighed, showing her
Afraid to do anything else to further
aggravate her, he fell to his knees and begged, “Please, Julie, let me out of
here. I’ll do anything but
please don’t keep me in here.”
“Give me one good reason why I
should”, she asked. The
effects of the alcohol were showing.
“Because, Julie, I’m sorry and I’ll
be good from now on, I promise”, he pleaded.
Julie leaned down close to the cage
pointing her finger. “You
made me very mad, did you know that?” She
was taking full advantage of Mark’s pleas and making him work for his
freedom. A part of her was
becoming very satisfied by this. “You
were very disrespectful to me and I think you owe me an apology.”
Realizing that it would be futile to
try to explain his true motives, Mark gave in knowing it was his only hope to
get out of the cage. “You’re
right, Julie, and I’m so sorry. Please,
it won’t happen again.”
“You mean it?” she asked. His submission somehow felt
validating. The fact that
she had been drinking boosted her confidence, but Mark’s begging and pleading
somehow enhanced the feeling. She
wasn’t sure why, but also wasn’t questioning it. Not ready to end it, she turned and
walked to the kitchen.
Mark sprang up from his knees and
pressed his face against the cold cage bars. “Julie! Where are you
going! Please, come back!”
Hearing his tiny voice screaming made
Julie realize what it must have felt like for him to think that she was going
to keep him in the cage. “Oh,
hold your horses, I’m coming back”, she said from the kitchen, trying to hold
back a giggle. What a
night, she thought as she reached for an opened bottle of wine in the
refrigerator. First she had
to wine and dine a disgruntled client, who was heavier on the wine and less of
an eater. She couldn’t even
remember how many bottles of wine they drank. She thought it might be two but maybe
it was three. She poured a
glass, remembering how good it felt to close the deal, even though she had to
get drunk to do it.
Mark could hear the refrigerator open
and the sound of pouring liquid. He
heard the clink of the glass bottle on the wineglass and realized what she was
doing. Wasn’t she drunk
enough, he thought. But he
dare not say anything now.
Julie returned and sat down on one of
the chairs and stared, glossy eyed, at Mark as she took a sip of wine. Mark watched as the giant Fingers
raised the huge glass to the enormous Lips. It looked like slow motion as the
glass was slowly placed back on the table. He was a little scared to deal with
Julie while she was drunk. He
didn’t really have much experience at it. At the moment all he could do was
stare as she licked her lips. “So
you think you’re ready to come out of there?” she asked, as if for the first
time. She reached out and
held the lock on the cage door between her fingers.
“Julie, you know I am. I’ve already apologized. What more do you want?” Mark replied, getting a little
Julie could feel herself becoming
lightheaded and for some reason, she kind of enjoyed toying with Mark like
this. She knew all too well
that he wanted out but she just wasn’t ready to open the cage yet. Mark watched as the giant Fingers
played with the lock wondering why she was hesitating. Then he remembered the last time that
he saw Julie drinking, her attitude changed a little. She got a little more cocky and
“bitchy” that last time.
Growing impatient, Mark finally
blurted out, “Come on Julie, open the damn door!”
Julie let the lock fall against the
cage door and sat back, folding her arms. “You’re already on thin ice you
know. Maybe you need to
spend a little more time in there learning some respect.”
Mark couldn’t fathom the thought of
spending another minute in the cage and immediately fell to his knees. “No, Julie, please. I’ve learned my lesson. I didn’t mean to yell. It’s just that I can’t take it in here
anymore. I’m going crazy.”
Watching Mark beg brought mixed
feelings to Julie. She felt
pity for his helplessness and dependence, but felt more satisfaction with her
control and dominance over him. The
wine had her lightheaded enough not to feel guilty about it either. “Well, we’ll just have to see how much
you’ve learned”, she said, reaching for the key.
Mark watched as she slowly slipped
the key into the lock and twisted. The
click of the opening lock made him dart for the cage door in
anticipation. The giant
Fingers grabbed the bars and slowly opened the cage door, teasing him with
freedom. Before Julie had a
chance to change her mind, he climbed out of the door, falling flat on his face
on the table next to the giant Hand.
Julie couldn’t help but giggle. The sight of this tiny man climbing
out of a cage and falling next to her fingers was just too funny. Realizing that he wasn’t hurt, she
picked up the wineglass and took another sip. “Careful now, this is expensive
stuff”, she joked.
Mark heard the wineglass tap the
table, wishing that Julie would stop drinking and feeling totally
humiliated. He stayed on
his hands and knees, not wanting to face her. At least he was out of the cage and
that’s all that was important.
“Oh, come on now, I was just
kidding. Your sense of
humor didn’t shrink with you did it?” she continued to tease. She surprised herself with some of the
words she was using. For a
brief moment, she wondered if she would act the same way sober, but it just
didn’t matter.
“Mark, look at me”, she said after
realizing that Mark didn’t find her jokes funny. Mark gave no reply. “Mark. Stop ignoring me and look at me.”
With that, he stood up and slowly
raised his head to meet her stare. “Why,
so you can make fun of me some more?” he asked.
“Maybe”, she said, smiling.
This began to frustrate Mark. “You really have no concept of what
it’s like to be this small”, he replied, hoping that if he could get her
sympathy, she might leave him alone. “Being slightly taller than your wineglass
here and having a giant woman laughing at you is kind of embarrassing, but you
don’t seem to care about that.”
The smile left Julie’s face. “You’re right, Mark, I don’t know what it’s like to be your
size. But just remember this. I
didn’t make you small and if I didn’t care, you’d be in some laboratory or in
some freak show right now.” She
began counting on her fingers. “I give you food, shelter, protection and
everything else you need. I
don’t have to, you know. Things could be a lot worse for you.” There was a moment of silence as they
stared at each other. “Do I
have to state the obvious, Mark?”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“What do I mean? Mark, you’re no taller than 8” . To you I must look 50 or 60 feet tall. Do you
understand what I’m saying?”
“Julie, you have such a keen sense of
the obvious. OK, so you’re
bigger than me.”
“Don’t get smart with me. I’ll throw you back in that cage in a
heartbeat”, she said pointing her finger at him.
“Alright. Alright. I get the picture”, he said raising
his hands.
“Do you? Because that’s what I mean. I could do anything I want with you
and there’s really nothing you could do to stop me. Has that thought ever occurred to
you?” she asked, feeling very self-confident at the moment.
Feeling a little scared, he replied,
“Of course it has, but I never thought you were like that.”
Julie felt a little challenged by
that remark. Sober, she
might have backed down. Intoxicated, she wanted to answer it. She wanted him to know who was in
control. “I don’t know what
I’m like any more, Mark. Lately,
I’ve started to feel good about myself, more in control of my life and the
things around it.”
Mark wondered if “lately” meant after
he shrank and if he was one of those “things”. He began to feel uneasy about what she
was saying, burning to ask the questions but afraid of the answers. He was frozen as Julie continued to
stare down at him.
“Don’t worry, Mark. I’m not going to hurt you”, she
Something about her tone sent a chill
down his spine. “Why should
I be worried about you hurting me?” he replied, trying to look relaxed.
“I don’t know, you just look
petrified standing there” she answered. She
couldn’t help but feel a sense of power looking at him so small in front of
“Its just that I’ve never heard you
talk that way before.”
“Talk what way?” she answered,
knowing full well what he meant.
“You know”, Mark said, feeling
embarrassed, “the stuff about doing whatever you want with me.”
Julie brought her face a little closer
to Mark. “I think you need
to realize that more often. It might help you stay out of that cage.”
“It’s just not fair for it to be that
way. How would you like it
if you were shrunk and I was normal?”
This was starting to feel like a game
to Julie. “You’re
right. I would hate it if I
were the one who shrank. But
you did. And it doesn’t
really matter if it’s fair or not.” Julie
raised the wineglass to her lips and let her words sink in. It was almost as if she couldn’t
control her responses. She
was having fun countering all of his arguments.
Mark knew that Julie was talking this
way because she was drunk but it still angered him that she thought this way at
all, sober or not.
“So you agree with me then?” he tried
to reason.
“Definitely”, she answered, amused by
his attempt to use logic.
“I was worried there for a minute”,
he said, hoping she would back off.
“But it doesn’t change
anything. I’m still the
bigger one and that makes me in charge. You're the little one and that
means you have to listen to me.”
“Look, I didn’t ask to be like this
and I don’t think I need to be told what to do”
Anticipating his answer, Julie
grabbed Mark around the waist and held him firmly.
“Hey, what’s the big idea?” he said,
in shock.
“Go ahead, you’re free to go”, she said,
Mark struggled a little but couldn’t
budge the Fingers around him.
Julie smiled as she watched Mark
squirm and sipped her wine with her other hand. Minutes went by in total silence with
the two of them staring at each other.
Mark realized he was getting nowhere
like this. Instead of
backing down, she seemed to enjoy this. He
had to think of another approach. Maybe
if he just went along with her ideas, she’d get tired and go to bed. When the alcohol wore off in the
morning, he hoped she’d just forget what happened. But the thought of just giving in to
her was totally humiliating. Just
the idea of her thinking she had “won” was enough for him to resist but he had
to swallow his pride this time no matter how much it hurt inside.
Mark stopped squirming and lowered
his head. Julie watched
him, a little shocked by his reaction. She
wondered if somehow he was finally listening to her.
“Julie, I…I don’t know what got into
me before”, he began, trying to sound sincere. “I guess I’m just taking my
frustrations out on you.”
Julie couldn’t believe her
ears. She knew the wine had
influenced a few things that she said but she would have gotten drunk sooner if
she’d thought it would work like this. Normally, this would be the point
where she would start blaming herself and start apologizing, but the “new”
Julie didn’t want to let this opportunity pass by. She began to feel a little excited by
the whole thing. She also
wanted to see if he really meant it.
With his head bowed, he waited for a
response but heard nothing. He
certainly didn’t want to anger her so he continued, laying it on thick. “I guess this whole thing is getting
to me. You’re totally
right. You didn’t ask to be
the caretaker of some little man and I should be grateful for all that you’ve
done for me. Instead, I’ve
just got you angry with me, and I should be ashamed of myself.” With this, Mark lifted his head and
look shyly at Julie.
Julie felt a tingle inside as Mark
spoke. Hearing this little
man speak to her this way made her feel so powerful. She was afraid if she showed her
excitement, though, it would end. “Well, I’m not mad right now, but you do
have to realize your place.”
“I know Julie. I know. I mean, what am I thinking? You’re a giantess to me. I can’t even get out of your hand much
less stop you from doing anything else to me. I should be trying to stay on your
good side, if anything.”
The word “giantess” rang out in her
head. She had never thought
of herself in that way. But it was just like the stories. Here she was holding a tiny man’s life
literally in her hands. It
started to seem logical that he would eventually realize this, which gave more
validity to his remarks. She
needed a test though, something to prove his sincerity. Then she felt a slight aching in her
foot and got an idea. If he
were really being honest, he would gladly work on them with no argument. She remembered that she had shoes on
all day in stockings, though, and wondered if that was asking too much. She’d have to find out.
“So you want to get on my good side,
huh?” she asked, lifting him off of the table.
Shocked by the sudden movement, he
stuttered, “Y-Yes Julie, I really would.” At Eye level he could feel her breath
pour over him as she spoke.
Getting up from the table, she walked
over to the couch and sat down. Mark
wondered what was going on. He
heard the thumps and guessed it was her shoes hitting the floor. He turned
his head and saw her giant Feet lift and come to rest on the coffee
table. In his mind, he knew
what was coming and tried to take advantage of the situation. “Julie, if you put me on the coffee
table, I’ll rub your feet. But
only if you want me too.”
Julie was pleasantly surprised by his
offer. He was making this
too easy for her. “Well, if
you really want to. But I
have to warn you that I’ve been in stockings all day and I’m sure the smell
won’t be pleasant”, she said, testing him.
Mark remembered being trapped in her
dirty stockings and wished he could retract his offer but knew this was a
critical moment. He would
have to go through with it. “Well
that’s alright, I’m sure it won’t be that bad.”
With that, Julie placed Mark on the
coffee table. She lifted
her foot up and pulled the stocking off. The smell hit her nose and she
wondered if she should call the whole thing off. She looked at him, knowing he had to
smell it when she rested it on the coffee table, but he didn’t seem phased so
she continued with the other foot. She
watched intently for his next move.
Mark watched as the Foot raised up
and the Hands pulled the stocking off. As
the Foot moved toward him the smell hit his nose and he wanted to turn his head
and give up, but remained still as if he didn’t notice. The other Foot soon followed and came
to rest next to the other one. He
stared back at Julie’s smiling face. She
looked very interested in what he was doing.
Mark walked over and stood directly
in front of her giant Foot. He
was eye to eye with the Toes. They
wiggled a little bit and he heard a slight giggle from above. Julie was now thoroughly enjoying
this, test or no test. Watching
Mark stand before her feet gave her such a sense of control. She almost wanted to push him off the
table but just wiggled her toes and chuckled to herself.
Mark hesitated a moment, then reached
out and stroked her big Toe. He
could feel the roughness as he moved his hands all around the sides of her
Foot. “Julie, you really
should take better care of your feet. Those
shoes are tearing them up.”
“That’s what I have you for”, she
said playfully, again testing him to see if he would break.
Realizing he walked into that one, he
continued with the ball of her Foot. The
smell was overwhelming and he tried to take short breaths but it wasn’t
working. He would just have
to put up with it. He kept
thinking that if he did a good job and didn’t upset her, she would relax and
maybe fall asleep shortly.
Julie rested her head back and
enjoyed the sensation. She
felt a strange sense of pleasure from knowing that Mark was voluntarily rubbing
her foot just to make her happy, knowing how bad her feet must smell. She was convinced of his sincerity
now, but wasn’t about to let this end.
Mark got on his knees to work her
heel as he heard slight moans from above. He figured his idea was working and
she’d be asleep shortly. Then
he noticed something strange. As
he knelt, he realized that he was becoming erect. He could feel it against the doll
pants that he had on. This
was confusing because he despised being Julie’s footslave and was only doing
this to make her leave him alone. But
as he made his way to her arch, he began to feel slightly turned on. The doll pants were rough against him
and he decided that it would be safe right then to remove them since Julie
appeared to be almost asleep. This left him totally naked and he peaked to
see if Julie had seen him. Luckily,
she still had her eyes closed. His
penis was totally erect now and he began thinking how weird this was. Could he possibly be getting off by
rubbing Julie’s giant smelly Feet? The
Foot moved in front of him breaking his thoughts, and he figured he’d better
continue before she got suspicious. As
he rubbed the area under her Toes the sensation became stronger. He even noticed himself taking deeper
breaths. Without
thinking, he leaned over and gently kissed her pinky Toe.
Julie felt him pause for a moment and
hear some ruffling. At
first she wanted to look but really didn’t care what he was doing as long as he
continued. Eventually,
curiosity got the best of her and she barely peaked noticing the doll pants
next to her foot. At first
she wanted to say something but figured that they were probably uncomfortable
anyway and there was no harm done so she just wiggled her toes a little to get
his attention. She loved
how he was being gentle under her toes. It
was such a rush thinking about his little hands on her feet. Then without notice, she felt
something on her pinky toe that wasn’t his hands. It felt like a kiss.
Realizing what he had done, he
immediately stepped back, fearing that he had angered her. Julie quickly opened her eyes and saw
a scared, naked Mark standing in front of her foot. She saw his erection but chose to
ignore it. Instead, she
said, “It’s OK Mark, I don’t mind. It
felt kind of nice, actually.”
“You’re not mad at me?”
“Of course not. I’ll only be mad if you stop”, she
said smiling down at him.
Relieved by her reaction, he stepped
closer to the Foot. Julie
leaned back and wondered if this could possibly feel any better. While she didn’t try to explain it to
herself, she was starting to feel excited as well at the thought of a tiny,
naked man getting aroused by rubbing her feet. She just kept thinking that being a
giantess definitely had its good sides.
Mark gently kissed the underside of
each Toe. He stopped and
actually rubbed his cheek on the big Toe. The smell was still strong but he
found that he didn’t mind it so much now. He moved back across each Toe stopping
to caress and kiss each one. When
he reached the pinky Toe again, he did something he never thought he would
do. The kissing wasn’t
enough for him so he stretched out his tongue and licked. The taste stung just as it did with
Kelly, but this time it was different. This
time he had to continue. He
found himself unable to control himself as he licked furiously at each Toe.
“Oh, Mark, that feels
wonderful. Don’t stop”
Julie said as she moaned and moved her foot slightly.
Mark followed her movements and
finally pressed himself completely against the Sole of the Foot, continuing to
kiss and lick it. As he rubbed
his body across her foot. Julie flexed her toes in delight. “I can’t believe how good you feel”,
she whispered.
Mark continued until he was totally
exhausted, stopping momentarily to catch his breath and gaze at the giant Feet
in front of him. Part of
him was wondering how he could do such a thing and another part wondered why he
had stopped. One thing was
for sure, his relationship with Julie had changed. He knew this would not be the last
time this would happen. And
now that Julie knew how far she could push him, she would surely push
again. From above he heard
a slight snore and realized that she had fallen asleep. Tired from all the activity, he lay
down next to the Foot and quietly fell into a deep sleep. What was going
to happen tomorrow, he thought.
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