sábado, 26 de março de 2016

Giantess Stories - The Perfect Roommate

Chapter 10

“Damn it!”, Julie barked as she closed the door and looked at her watch.
“What’s wrong!?”, Mark yelled back.
“I’ve got a meeting with a client in 30 minutes.  I’m going to be late.”
Julie rushed to get dressed.  In about 5 minutes, she had changed into a dress and rushed for the front door.  What a sight it was for Mark to see her running down the hall at her size, especially with high heels on.  He stepped back and leaned against the sofa, taking no chances.  The thought of colliding with one of her Shoes at that speed kept him frozen in place.  “I’ll be back in a little while.”  Without waiting for an answer, she shut the door and Mark could hear the car start and drive away.
He had the whole house to himself.  Silence filled the house except for the ticking of a clock above and an occasional sound outside.  He began to feel totally alone and a little scared.  He realized that he felt safer when Julie was home.  At least she could protect him if something unexpected happened.  Each little sound or creak made him jump.  He had to think of something to keep him occupied.  But at his size there wasn’t much he could do.  So he walked down the hall toward his room and saw a crack in Julie’s bedroom door.  She always locked her bedroom door out of habit but in her hurry to leave, she must have forgotten.  The curiosity got the better of him and he walked to the door and peeked in.  Julie’s room was a mess.  But to him, especially being board, it seemed like a huge playground.  There were gigantic shoes everywhere, and piles of clothes, clean and dirty.  He knew he shouldn’t go inside but he couldn’t resist.  Once inside, he looked around in awe.  He had only seen Julie’s bedroom once before at normal height, but the contrast now was amazing.  Walking over to her vanity, he noticed that the chair in front of it had very decorative and contoured legs.  Feeling adventurous, he began to climb up. It was quite a struggle but he managed to reach the seat of the chair.  If he stood on the arm of the chair, he could reach the top drawer, which was left open.  From the drawer he easily reached the top of the vanity.  Out of breath, but feeling a sense of accomplishment, he gazed around the room.  It gave him a little more “normal” perspective.  There wasn’t much room on the vanity to walk around because it was almost completely covered in makeup of every color, combs, brushes, perfume bottles, and a lot of things that he didn’t recognize.  He walked carefully over to one of her brushes, dodging giant tweezers and scissors along the way.  This brush must have been her favorite because it had the most hair in it, and he pulled a few strands out, surprised at how strong they were.  Realizing that he had a lot of time on his hands, he decided to clean all the hair out of the brush for Julie.  At least it was somewhat productive. Besides, it was satisfying to do something that required a little strength.  It made him feel less helpless.  So he knelt down next to the huge plastic hair trap and began grabbing handfuls of Julie’s hair, careful to get every strand.  Pulling the hair out wasn’t as hard as it appeared and he collected it in a pile next to the brush. 
Proud of his work, he walked to the other end of the vanity, passing in front of the mirror. Catching a glimpse of himself, he stopped and stared.  Mentally, this was a shock.  He knew he was small, but this was the first time he had seen himself close-up in a mirror.  It was different than being held in Julie’s Hand or lying under her Foot.  That just made herlook big.  Now, he was seeing himself small for the first time.  Seeing his own reflection, compared to the size of the other things on the vanity made him focus on his predicament.  Up until now, he had been fooling himself, thinking that he could live his life just as he did when he was 6 feet tall.  He wanted to make all his own decisions and thought he deserved sympathy for his situation, all the while resenting Julie for treating him any differently than he expected.  But just as he didn’t ask to be shrunk, Julie didn’t ask to become the caretaker of a little man either.  He had never looked at it from her perspective.  He did think she had gone too far at times, but it was something new for both of them.  They both had some adjusting to do and so far, he had resisted all of it. Staring at himself, he realized that, at his present size, he couldn’t live without Julie’s help.  And he probably should show a little more gratitude to Julie for not putting him in some institution.  He was afraid to admit it to Julie, though.  His ego would not allow it. So he decided to just try to act differently, hoping he would never have to admit that he was wrong.  Figuring out the problem always seemed easier than actually carrying out the solution.   
He didn’t feel like climbing all the way down again and looked over the edge at a huge pile of clothes.  Jumping like a stuntman, he leaped off the edge landing squarely on the pile. Instantly, he could tell by the smell that this was the dirty pile.  One of Julie’s workout socks bounced right on top of his face and almost made him pass out.  He quickly climbed down of the pile and backed away.  Without realizing where he was walking, he backed right into a 3-inch high-heeled shoe and tripped over it.  It was huge and looked big enough for him to fit inside.  It seemed like a violation of Julie’s privacy somehow, but the temptation was too great.  He had to try to get inside so he climbed in.  It was a perfect fit.  His feet were at the toe of the shoe, resting in her toeprints, and his head rested at the top, where her heel had made a smooth indentation.  With his knees bent slightly, it was quite comfortable.  He lay back, staring at the ceiling, wondering if he would ever be able to open up to Julie, and before he knew it, he had dozed off. 
He figured that he slept no more than a few minutes, which actually was more like 40 minutes, and climbed out of the shoe.  Still groggy, he slipped over the waistband of a pair of silky panty hose.  A little dazed, he crawled over to the opening, lifted up the waistband and stuck his head inside.  They couldn’t be that old because they still had a “woman’s” aroma.  Without thinking, he continued to crawl inside and ran into a white band of what seemed to be cotton.  Realizing he was in her crotch area, he took a big wiff and reached out to touch the cotton.  If the shoe was a privacy violation than this had to be a felony, he thought.  But he continued on, driven by curiosity, thinking he had plenty of time to get back out, and crawled inside the leg down to the foot of the hose.  The silk felt soft against his back as he crawled.  As he reached the foot, he noticed a strong unpleasant foot smell down there.  Not wanting to stay there too long he tried to turn around in the foot of the pantyhose but kept getting stuck.  Just then he heard the front door close.  “Shit!”, he thought, “Julie’s going to be furious if she finds me.”  He continued his futile struggles to get untwisted but to no avail.  He could hear her coming down the hall.  Torn between facing her fury when she discovered him versus possibly getting stepped on if he remained quiet, he had no choice.  As Julie opened the bedroom door and walked in, he began screaming, “Help!  Help!  I’m down here, don’t step on me!”
Julie looked around and then down to see her pantyhose moving around and was immediately angered that Mark had dared to invade her privacy.  Bending over, she grabbed the pantyhose by the ankle and lifted it up to her face.  “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing!?  This is my room and you have no business being in here!” she commanded, scaring Mark with the look of anger on her face.  “Please Julie, I’m sorry, I was just looking around”, he pleaded.  Julie brought the pantyhose closer to her face but jerked it away when she smelled the odor coming from it.  It gave her an idea for his punishment.
“So you like my smelly pantyhose, do you?”, she asked angrily not expecting an answer. “Well we’ll just see how much you like them after you sleep in them.”  A satisfying grin appeared on her face as she tied the panty hose leg into a knot so Mark couldn’t escape and brought him into the bathroom and tied the other leg on to the shower curtain rod, suspending him at eye level to her.  “Please Julie, don’t!  Let me explain.  It’s not what you’re thinking. I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, I promise”, he begged

Julie had heard all these excuses from men before.  “I know you won’t”, was her reply as she snapped off the lights and closed the bathroom door.  The smell was overpowering. He tried moving around but it only got worse.  Finally, realizing the futility of the situation, he came to rest in the toe of her panty hose.  Unfortunately, this was where the smell was the strongest.  After almost getting sick to his stomach, he passed out.

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