quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2016

Giantess Stories - The Perfect Roommate

Chapter 8

It was Saturday and Julie did not have to work.  She left Mark alone to go take a shower.  As the water flowed down her body, she thought about how she had all day to spend with the “little man” who lived in her house.  She found herself more and more thinking of Mark as a little man rather than a roommate.  She couldn’t help thinking about how Kelly was so right about the whole situation.  Things were much more manageable and, although she wouldn’t fully admit it yet, enjoyable now that some rules have been established.  Underneath it all, she hoped that once Mark accepted the situation, their relationship could get stronger.  She didn’t want to always scold him but realized that it was necessary, at least for now.  At the moment, however, the taste of power was stronger than her concern for Mark and while she knew that would probably change, it didn’t stop her from wanting to act on it.  As she was drying herself off from her shower, she began thinking of ways that he could “help out” around the house.  Then she remembered the “samples” that she had bought the other day and how it was time for more risk taking.
Mark heard the “drums” approaching again.  He turned around to find Julie entering the room wearing a bathrobe, a towel around her head and carrying a small bag and another towel.  She had no makeup on, and while she was not ugly without it, she definitely had that “no-makeup” appearance.  She walked passed him, sat down on the couch, spread the towel out under her Feet and placed the bag next to them.  She took a deep breath before calling Mark over.  As much as she felt in charge, this still seemed awkward for her.  She wasn’t used to being in control of a relationship of any kind and knew that her nervousness was due to her past patterns of dealing with men in general. Looking down at Mark’s size as he approached her foot helped relieve the tension that she felt.  He posed absolutely no threat to her physically, and the contrast in size was making it easy for her to overcome her emotional barriers.  She could hear Kelly’s voice in her head telling her to “be creative” about the chores she gives him.  From above, he appeared to be staring at her foot and she lifted them slightly to get his attention.  After she did this, Mark lifted his head, their eyes met and she spoke.
Mark was curious to see what she was going to do with the towel and other things when she called him and he could feel Julie staring at him as he walked over to her.  It felt very uncomfortable, so he kept his head down until he stood directly in front of her Feet. He stood there a moment, looking at the tops of her Feet and noticing how smooth they looked even at their immense size.  His eyes followed the bone structure of the Foot slowly down to the Toes where he noticed that the nail polish was chipping on most of them.  He remembered that before he shrank, Julie always applied fresh toe nail polish after taking a shower.  She was so faithful about it even though she seemed to hate doing it.  As he stared at them, all five Toes lifted off the towel in unison and returned to rest gently in front of him.  He could feel a slight tingling in his legs as she did this. Realizing that he had been staring, he lifted his head and looked up at her giant Face.
“Mark, remember we talked about chores and you doing your fair share around here?”, she asked with a little shyness in her voice.
“Yeah, but we never decided on what they would be”, he answered as he began to understand what was about to happen.
“Well, I’ve found something that you can do for me that would really help me out a lot”, she continued, pausing, “Being kind of tall for a woman, makes it hard for me to paint my toenails the way I like them to look.  So, I was thinking that you could be in charge of keeping my feet looking pretty.  You know, nail polish, lotion, perfume, that kind of stuff. What do you say?”  She tried to keep a light, positive tone in her voice.
“You want me to be your ‘footslave’?  You can’t be serious?”, he asked in disbelief.
Julie giggled at his question.  “Oh, I wouldn’t think of it like that.  Think of it as…a project.”  Her voice then turned more business-like.  “You get to inspect them, schedule when things need to be done to them, and most important, you get to see the results of your work firsthand.”
“No way Julie”, Mark answered, stepping back holding his hands up to emphasize his response.  “I don’t mind helping out, but this is going to far.”
Slightly amused at Mark’s attempt to argue with her, she found that the more Mark rebelled against doing what she said, the more she wanted him to do it.  If he had acted more casually about it instead of totally refusing, she might have thought of something else.  She moved her foot so that her big toe was directly in front of him.  “Mark, I don’t remember saying that this was open for discussion.  I’ve already made the decision.”
Realizing that she was serious, he hung his head, weighing the options of agreeing or disobeying.  He knew the result of disobeying and shuddered at the thought of the same or even worse punishment.  He saw her Foot move closer to him, accenting how small he was.  Her Big Toe was easily as big as his head.  Feeling totally humiliated, he reluctantly agreed, “Alright, you win.”  At least they were clean, he thought.
“That’s better”, she said smiling and as gently as possible, touched his leg with her toe.
Mark couldn’t move out of the way quickly enough before her Toe touched his leg. He barely kept his balance and looked up angrily to see Julie covering a giggle with her Hand.
“Hey! That’s not funny”, he yelled.
“Sorry”, she said insincerely, “I was just playing.”
“Well, not so rough, OK?”
Realizing she had won this battle completely, she decided to stop teasing him and placed her foot back on the towel.  Mark’s “giving in” made her feel more in control and totally eased the nervousness that she felt before.  It was getting easier for her to be firm on her decisions with Mark.  It felt so good to her to finally be in control of a situation involving a man, no matter what size he was.
She reached down and opened one of the sample sizes of skin lotion and squeezed a pile next to her foot.  Mark watched in silence as Julie squeezed a pile of what appeared to be lotion near her Ankle.  Her Fingers lightly squeezed as the lotion oozed out.  A nervous sensation arose in his stomach as he watched her freshly manicured fingers effortlessly squeeze the bottle, one which he could barely pick up.  She placed the plastic bottle next to her Heel.  The bottle looked to be about as high his knees.  He had never seen such a huge bottle of lotion.  But as Julie’s Fingers released the bottle, he noticed that it was only half as big as her index Finger and it was apparent how small the bottle really was and therefore, how small he really was.  As the Fingers let go of the bottle and rose out of view, all that was left in front of him was a gigantic Foot on a huge towel with a pile of thick lotion next to it.  Julie lifted her Toes a bit as she spoke, “You can start with this.”  Mark stood silent in amazement of the situation that was before him.
“Hello?”, Julie boomed from above, “Anybody there?”
Julie’s thunderous voice broke his trance.  “Umm…sorry.  What do you want me to do?”, he replied staring up at her as if he actually didn’t know what it was that she wanted.  It was obvious that he was trying to stall and she said with a raised eyebrow, “figure it out.”  Julie leaned back and stared up at the ceiling awaiting the first touch of the little hands.  Surprising herself, she felt a little lightheaded from the anticipation.
Realizing that his stall tactics were useless, Mark approached the pile of lotion slowly.  He shrugged and stuck his hand into the pile and walked over to the instep of her right Foot.  He paused a moment and then touched the top of her Foot with the lotion. Her Foot jumped slightly frightening him but he continued to apply the lotion like he was applying wax to a car.  After a few strokes, he began using both hands. 
As the little hands made contact with her foot, Julie flinched slightly.  It was a release of the built up tension.  She felt him stop for a moment and continue.  She didn’t look down because she didn’t want to interrupt him.  His little hands felt so invigorating. The sense of control, of being in control only added to that.  A slight smile appeared displaying her satisfaction.
“Mmm…that feels good”, Julie whispered from above.
As he glanced up at Julie’s Face, he could see that she was smiling even though she leaned her Head back.  His feelings at the moment were confusing.  One part of him was angry that she was getting so much pleasure from his work and another part of him was happy that she approved of his work.  Anger was expected, but any kind of happiness was totally unexpected.  Could it be that just thought of pleasing any woman this big was so challenging?  Or was it the fact that at such a small size he could still make a difference?  All he knew was that he continued to apply the lotion with eagerness partly out of fear of punishment and partly out of desire for approval.
Her Foot was flat on the towel and as he applied the lotion, he worked his way up to her Toes.  Once there, he was presented with a new situation.  He thought about it as he covered her big Toe with the lotion.  The first problem was that he was running out of lotion so he tapped on her Toe as he yelled, “Hey!  I need more lotion!”
Totally entranced by this time but feeling a slight tap on her toe, she realized what he was saying and beamed down smiling at him, “No problem.  There’s plenty more.”
The Fingers lowered into view and picked up the lotion bottle.  Mark watched as the bottle moved overhead and a deposit, much larger than the first, was squeezed in front of her Foot.  “That should hold you for a while.”  Then the bottle was placed behind her Foot and the Fingers rose up out of site again.
Now he had to deal with the second problem.  He knew that she would probably want him to get between her Toes but he was afraid because she might accidentally crush his hands.  He looked up and started to ask something but noticed her Eyes were closed and decided to just proceed cautiously.  As he brushed the inside of her big Toe, he heard a soft moan from above.  He used both hands to get the entire area between her big Toe and second Toe.  It felt incredibly soft, especially for the size of her Foot, where he applied the lotion.  He was caught off guard, noticing that her second Toe was slightly longer than her big Toe when her Toes flinched slightly, causing him to jump backwards by reflex and land squarely in the pile of lotion.  It instantly covered most of his body as he slid backward through the pile.  Feeling the slight bump on her toe, Julie looked down and couldn’t help but find the situation amusing and covered her mouth as she laughed.  “Oh, I’m so sorry, are you OK?”, she said, sounding insincere as she spoke through a giggle.
Feeling embarrassed, he snapped, “I’m fine but you could be a little more careful, OK?”, as he climbed out of the pile.  Feeling totally satisfied at the moment and not wanting to argue, Julie replied, “I’ll try”, as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes fully intent on having him continue.  It aggravated him that she took the situation so lightly but somehow felt compelled to continue.  He had never had such mixed emotions before.  So, still covered on lotion, he lay across her Toes and rolled off, covering her Toes with lotion and continued rubbing the lotion until all parts of her Toes were covered.  It was hard to get his hand between her fourth and pinky Toe.  But with his hand covered in lotion, he was able to slip in.  He continued down the other side of her Foot until the top of her Foot was completely covered.  As he completed her Ankle, he stood back and admired his work.  ‘One down’, he thought.
Julie felt him trying to get his hand between her toes.  She thought about trying to spread them to make it a little easier but was enjoying feeling him try.  Once successful he continued to her ankle.  She felt him pause and realized that he must be finished with the top of her foot.  He had done such a good job, she wasn’t ready for him to be finished so she positioned her foot so that her heel was on the towel and her toes were pointed upward exposing her sole. She waited a few seconds, then wiggled her toes signaling for him to continue.

Just as he was about to move to the other Foot, he froze as he saw the Foot move into a position where the Toes were just about at the same level as his head. Realizing that she meant for him to continue on her Soles, he thought about the risk of being partially under her Soles as he applied the lotion and the consequences of her lowering her Foot “accidentally”.  She wiggled her Toes, obviously ready for him, and he figured that if he trusted her not to crush him in her Hand when she was anger the day before, then he could trust her now.  She flexed her Foot, pointing her Toes upward, to make her Sole smoother so that he could apply the lotion.  Getting the underside of her Toes and balls of her Foot was easy because they were close to eye level.  As he worked his way down, though, he had to get on his knees to get the middle of her Sole.  Once on his knees, he could feel the skin on her Sole relax and wrinkle indicating that she had relaxed her Foot.  This made applying the lotion a little harder because he had to work it into the wrinkles of her Sole.  With just a little more to go, he had to lie on his back to get the last part of her Heel.  Staring up at her Sole brought a sharp sense of fear, realizing that a wrong move now on Julie’s part could mean the end of his tiny existence.  Not wanting to find out if his fears would be validated, he quickly applied the last of the lotion and slid out from under her Foot. Stepping backward, breathing heavy, he felt somewhat satisfied that he had done a good job.  However, just as he was catching his breath, he saw the other Foot into position and he realized that he was only half finished.

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