Parte 2 - Beginning
The episode about the pail with water came rather late in the development of
our new relationship as husband and wife. That's why she had been so calm and
handled things so professionally through it. In the beginning, though, she was
much rougher with me while "teaching" me a lesson.
The very first day I told you about, in which I found myself at my present
size, I woke up in a cage. Of course I thought I was still dreaming or
something, but little by little it started dawning upon me that I was awake all
right and that something was definitely wrong. The cage I'm talking about
-which I know so well now- was placed in the middle of our bedroom not far from
the double bed on which Onda was still sleeping. I remember I didn't quite know
what to make of it all and I decided to call Onda to wake her up just to make
sure that at least some part of reality continued to be what it used to. Wake
up she did and, after stretching a little, she sat on the bed and looked at me
sleepily for a second or two. Without more ado, she got up, walked past me and
the cage, and went to take a shower. As she walked past not even bothering to
say a single word to me, I felt a huge wave of anger creeping up my stomach (as
I always did when not having it my way) and started to shout at her all sort of
insults, curses, infamies and so on, which I now have been strictly forbidden
to use in speech, writing or even thinking. I could write an entire treatise on
the psychological impact I went through during those first few moments, but
I'll try to stick to the actual events here, so I make your reading more
When she came back from the bathroom, wrapped in her towel and dripping a bit,
I was still throwing at her all sorts of names and phrases, known or unknown,
shaking and banging the bars of my cage, hardly in control of anything any
more. In spite of seeing her a bit on her guard, she managed to take the right
attitude right from the beginning. She hardly said anything to me. She just
slowly and methodically got dressed as she did every day, finished to tidy up a
few things, and left the house for work. By then I was livid with rage, fear
and confusion and it must have taken me a few hours to calm down. Once I did, I
started to examine the cage I was trapped in. It was a sort of modified large
birdcage, big enough for me to stand up or lie down at full stretch. At the
back there was a long, flat opening that led outside. Of course it wasn't big
enough for me to get through. Next to this opening, outside the cage, there
were three containers proportional to my size. They had food, water, and sand,
respectively. As the day wore on I used all three of them for their proper
functions, the sand being for my bodily needs, of course.
Onda came back in the early evening. By then I had thought things over and
decided to tackle the issue in a different way.
"Onda", I called when she came into the room.
"Yes?” she answered.
"Onda, what's going on? What's happening here?”
She looked at me from her colossal height, waited a few seconds and said,
"Pril, I was fed up with things going the way they were. You've made a
habit of your excesses against me and other people and I've decided to take
care of things in a different way".
The conversation continued in a civilized way for a few more minutes. I tried
all my tricks of persuasion, first the good ones, then the bad ones. The more I
insisted the more she showed herself intransigent with my arguments.
Inevitably, I lost control again and went once more into one of my tantrums.
"Pril", she said a bit nervously, "the first thing I want you to
know is that from now on I won't tolerate unacceptable behavior from you, and
that you'll have to do what I tell you to".
This, at my size and all, made me explode with laughter.
"What?” I shouted in between my hysterical laugh, "me to do what you
tell me?"
That did it. Without losing a minute Onda unlatched the birdcage and grabbed me
round my body with her huge hand. It was the first time I consciously felt the
power of her touch at my new size. She pulled me all the way up to a level with
her eyes and, breathing heavily, asked,
"Are you laughing at me?" My heart was beating frantically and I felt
the vertigo of the huge new world surrounding me. I heard her heavy breathing
as she waited for an answer. I tried to say something else and minimize the
importance she was giving the whole thing, but she only repeated her question
pressing a bit more forcibly my chest with her grip.
"Are you laughing at me, yes or no?”
"No", I said quietly.
"Good boy", she said.
That was my first defeat at my wife's hands. The first of so many that were to
come, and continue coming as I write this. She put me back in my cage, latched
the door, and left the room.
Two things I remember of that moment; first my wonder at her new power,
second... my huge erection.
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